News archive at NTU (2012 - 2016)
- 30/11: Zhe Liu successfully passed the oral examination of the PhD thesis. Congratulations! He remains in the group as a research fellow until the end of 2016.
- 19/05: Professor Kwek-Tze Tan from University of Akron visited the group, and gave a seminar on "Next generation aerospace structures using stitched composites and metacomposites".
- 31/03: Congratulations to Ruoxuan on successfully passing the oral examination of the PhD thesis. He continues the research in the group as a research fellow.
- 30/09: Congratulations to Zhiyong on successfully passing the oral examination of the PhD thesis. He continues the research in the group as a research fellow.
- 18/09: Professor Jian Li from Xiamen University joined the group as a visiting research fellow for one year.
- 25/06: Professor Shiyue Liu from Beijing Institute of Technology joined the group as a visiting research fellow for six months.
- 28/01: Professor Hai Hao from Dalian University of Technology
visited the group.
- 01/05: A position of research engineer cum part-time PhD student
in non-destructive testing (NDT) is available immediately (details).
- 27/03: Professor Alexander M. Korsunsky from Oxford University
visited the group, and gave a seminar on "Experimentally validated
modelling of structural engineering materials across the scales" in
the MAE School.
- 14/03: Professor Lijie Chen from Xiamen University joined the
group as a visiting research fellow for three months.